Chinese Olympian Huang Ya Qiong scored a gold medal and a marriage proposal at the 2024 Paris Olympic Games.  

The 30-year-old badminton player and her doubles partner Zheng Siwei won the gold in badminton mixed doubles against South Korean on Thursday.

Read more: Which billionaires have attended 2024 Olympics so far?

The celebration took a romantic turn as shortly after the medal ceremony concluded, Huang’s fellow Olympic teammate and men’s doubles player Liu Yuchen surprised her with a bouquet of flowers. Liu then got down on one knee and proposed to her in front of the crowd.

According to the international media, Huang said she “cannot describe the feeling I have because I am happy.”

“I was surprised by the engagement ring. I’ve been focusing on training to become an Olympic champion. I never expected it,” she said and added that “she hadn’t thought about how we will celebrate”.

This heartwarming proposal echoes a similar incident shortly before the Paris Games kicked off on July 24, when an Argentinian field hockey player Maria Campoy’s boyfriend Pablo Simonet – who plays for the Argentina’s men’s handball team – proposed to her at the Olympic Village.

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