In a recent interview with Netflix India, renowned Indian musician AR Rahman revealed a poignant story about his early struggles and his mother’s sacrifice that changed the course of his career. Speaking with the musical team of the project ‘Amar Singh Chamkila,’ which includes Imtiaz Ali, Mohit Chauhan, and Irshad Kamil, Rahman reflected on the pivotal moments that shaped his journey.
Rahman, who never attended college, confessed he felt he was missing out on many experiences at the time. “I got bored, so I started listening to different things to see what else was out there. I found that side amazing with so much to explore,” he shared.
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Recalling the challenging start of his musical career, AR Rahman described the humble beginnings of his studio. “When I first set up my studio, I couldn’t afford an amplifier or equalizer. It was just a bare space with an air conditioner, a shelf, and a carpet. I had no equipment, but I was determined to make it work,” he said.
The turning point came when his mother sacrificed her jewelry to secure a loan for his first recorder. “My first recorder came when my mom gave her jewels as a loan. That moment made me feel strong and changed my future,” Rahman recounted, highlighting the deep impact of his mother’s support on his path to success.
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[…] Read More: AR Rahman shares touching story of mother’s sacrifice in early career […]