Faisal Kapadia, renowned for his role as one half of the iconic band Strings, is embarking on a new chapter with the release of his debut solo album. Kapadia recently appeared on After Hours with Ushna Shah, where he reflected on his early career experiences.

During the interview, Shah inquired about Kapadia’s initial experience performing live. Kapadia recalled his debut concert in July 1990 in Islamabad, describing it as a monumental moment overshadowed by a large crowd and intense nervousness.

He noted that their performance was somewhat overshadowed by the influential band Vital Signs, whose album had been released a few months earlier. “Our debut concert was so nerve-wracking that my voice gave out,” Kapadia said. “At the sound check, Junaid Jamshed, who we did not yet know, showed up. His presence was a huge encouragement for us.”

Kapadia reminisced about the surprise visit from Jamshed Jamshed, who at the time was a member of Vital Signs. “Junaid just appeared at our sound check, and I was astounded. He complimented our music, which was a tremendous relief for us,” Kapadia recalled.

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Kapadia also shared his personal connection with Jamshed, revealing that they shared a mutual teacher, Ustaad Chahat Hussain Khan Sahib. “Junaid and I were close, and we would often meet to listen to classical music together. We had the rare opportunity to enjoy extended classical pieces, such as Raga Darbari and Adana Raga, which Junaid particularly loved,” Kapadia added.

The band Strings, formed in Karachi in 1988, originally included Bilal Maqsood, Faisal Kapadia, Rafiq Wazir Ali, and Kareem Bashir Bhoy.

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Hello! I'm a multimedia journalist, psychotherapist, podcast host, actor, and stand-up comedian.

While journalism may not be my first love, I have a knack for writing about lifestyle and entertainment. As an entertainment geek, I focus on celebrity gossip, film reviews, and the latest happenings in the film world, all served with a special 'tarka' of wit, drama, and objectivity.

As a psychotherapist, I'm a strong advocate for mental health awareness, and I often write about mental health and well-being. I love variety and comedy, so you’ll definitely catch some laughs along the way in my work. You may also find me yapping on podcasts, where I chat with guests about various aspects of life.


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