The Pakistan Football Federation (PFF) Disciplinary Committee has imposed a lifetime ban on 22 former officials, including prominent figures such as Syed Ashfaq Hussain Shah, Amir Dogar, and Sardar Naved Haider. This action follows their involvement in creating a parallel football association and orchestrating a hostile takeover of the PFF offices.

According to Geo News, the Disciplinary Committee concluded that these individuals violated Article 70 of the PFF Constitution by forming a separate association. The committee determined that their actions undermined the unity and governance of football in Pakistan.

The banned officials, who include Syed Ashfaq Hussain Shah, Muhammad Noman (KPK), Syed Zahir Shah, and Malik Muhammad Aamir Dogar, among others, are now declared persona non grata. They are barred from participating in any football-related activities for life.

In addition to the formation of the parallel association, the committee addressed the involvement of these individuals in the alleged attack on the PFF House and the takeover of PFF offices on March 27, 2021. This takeover led to Pakistan’s suspension from FIFA.

The officials found guilty of this hostile takeover, including Syed Ashfaq Hussain Shah, Muhammad Naveed Akram, and Sardar Naveed Haider, are also banned for life from football-related activities. The committee has mandated that these individuals return all PFF assets, including official vehicles, within seven days. Failure to comply will result in criminal charges being filed against them.

The PFF has instructed all affiliated units and departments to enforce this decision without exception. Any affiliate attempting to engage with the banned individuals will face penalties. The PFF Secretariat has been directed to immediately inform FIFA and the Asian Football Confederation (AFC) of this decision.

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