35 Pakistani pilgrims die during Hajj, confirms ministry

35 Pakistani pilgrims die during Hajj, confirms ministry

WEB DESK: Extreme weather causes tragic loss of Pakistani pilgrims during hajj.

The Ministry of Religious Affairs has confirmed that at least 35 Pakistani pilgrims have tragically lost their lives during this year’s Hajj due to extreme weather conditions.

An AFP report revealed that over 900 pilgrims from various countries, including Egypt, India, Jordan, Indonesia, Iran, Senegal, Tunisia, and Iraq, succumbed to the scorching temperatures and heat exhaustion.

Director General of Pakistan’s Haj Mission, Abdul Wahab Soomro, provided details that by 4 pm on June 18, 35 Pakistani deaths were reported: 20 in Makkah, six in Madina, four in Mina, three in Arafat, and two in Muzdalifah.

“With temperatures reaching 50°C, this year’s Hajj was exceptionally challenging,” stated Soomro. He refuted claims circulating on social media about pilgrims being left “helpless,” highlighting the trust and cooperation with the Saudi government. “We verify every incident of death ourselves and rely on information from Saudi authorities,” he added.

The ministry further explained that according to Saudi regulations, permission from the deceased’s family is required for burial in Saudi Arabia. “Bodies are bathed, funeral prayers are conducted, and then they are buried in Saudi Arabia. If the family requests, arrangements are made to repatriate the body to Pakistan.”

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As temperatures soared, the families and friends of missing pilgrims anxiously searched hospitals and posted pleas online, fearing the worst outcomes.

Ensuring Pilgrim Safety Amid Rising Temperatures

The Ministry of Religious Affairs and Pakistani Haj Mission continue to work closely with Saudi authorities to ensure the safety and well-being of all pilgrims.

As temperatures remain high, it is crucial for future Hajj preparations to include comprehensive measures to mitigate heat-related risks and provide timely medical assistance.

This tragic incident underscores the importance of international cooperation and robust safety protocols to protect pilgrims during this sacred journey.


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